Jason L. Seward’s meteoric rise and journey from intern to Presidential Advisor and Entrepreneur is a true testament to what happens when vision intersects with opportunity, dedication and resilience. As such, Jason personally enjoys hearing from and responding to, his fan base, whom the public at large has dubbed “Jason Nation”. If you have arrived on this site, you too can be a part of Jason Nation, which are everyday people like you that are equally committed to making a difference in their community, building and developing businesses, advancing the next generation of leaders and contributing to change around the world. Perhaps you have an idea or information to share, or simply want to keep in touch, collaborate or ask a question.

Mailing Addresses
Los Angeles
1360 S. Figueroa Street
Suite D-400
Los Angeles, CA 90015
925B Peachtree Street
NE, Unit #2152
Atlanta, GA 30309
New Orleans
201 St. Charles Avenue
Suite 114 - #416
New Orleans, LA 70170
JASON wants to hear from you and personally responds to all fans! Simply fill out this form, submit and get in touch!